Tuesday, 28 November 2023

Do not worry about time...


Do not worry about time.

Your mind will time-travel all the time into past or future concerns. "When will I succeed?" "How long can I maintain my mindfulness practice?" "I'm not doing good enough because I've only meditated once this week" are all time related mind concepts.

Remove time from the equation.

There is just NOW - this moment.

So focus on this moment.

Too much focus on time gives you emotional turbulence:

Bored? Looking at the past and judging it to be boring;
No confidence? Looking at the past and judging yourself;
Anxious? Looking at the future and judging the uncertainty;
Angry? Looking at the past and judging a person, event or object...

....and so on, and so on....

If you become dis-interested in time, you will automatically become present in the here and the now.

So, breathe now. Feel now. Listen now.
And if you do - you are there!
Simplicity itself.
hashtagmindfulness hashtagawareness hashtagnonjudgment hashtagnonduality