Sunday 15 September 2024

The voice in your head

"The Voice in your head"

Do you listen to that voice in your head?
The fact you can listen to it proves it isn't the real you:

Watch it tumble over, overthink, muse and analyze,
Watch it struggling with problems, issues and criticize!

Smile at the voice in your head.
Thank you voice, for all your wonderful thoughts;
You're trying to keep me safe, and I respect you,
But I'm not going to follow you.
I don't believe in your plans or schemes.
It's ok, it's ok...come back to the body.
Let's just breathe for a while, and hug our anxious feelings.
Let's just settle, just for a moment.

Where, then, is this voice in your head?
Who is this voice?

I discover when I really look,
Nobody is there. Nothing is there.
Yet presence remains. Awareness remains.
Even when the voice is asleep, I exist.

So, who am I really?
I smile. I breathe. I be.

I'm the universe, I'm all life existing,
I'm spiralling into a myriad of forms and shapes,
I'm the cosmos deepening into consciousness,
I'm the smoke on the candle,
I'm the heat in the fire,
I'm the rain in the cloud,
I'm the nutrients in the soil,
I'm the life on the breath.

A joy of pure, unconditional bliss.

(By Craig Gilbert Sep 2024).

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